
Knowledge Base

Configuring DNS for Your Website From ISPConfig Control Panel

You can configure DNS for your website from the ISPConfig control panel by following these instructions:

  1. Log in to your ISPConfig console.
  2. Click on the DNS tab and then click Add new DNS Zone with wizard.
  3. Select the Server, Select the Client, fill in the Website Domain name, the IP address and other information requested by the wizard.
  4. Click Create DNS record.
    The newly created zone will now be listed in the DNS Zones List.
  5. Click on the DNS Zone and navigate to the records tab.
  6. Add an A record for your domain name server and Update the domain DNS manager with a new name server and IP address.
  7. Click Save.

Congratulations, you have сonfigured the DNS for your website from the ISPConfig control panel!

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